About Taraka


Taraka provides a fast, accurate, and complete major and minor planet Human Design ephemeris for people who would like to explore beyond a Natal Chart with major planet activations.

To this end, Taraka currently provides three additional subtle layer charts (Interactive, Spiritual & Dream & Spiritual Expression), progressed charts, transit charts, and composite charts. It also provides ephemeral data for a select list of planets, minor planets, and hypotheticals, with the ability to request data for any numbered minor planet identified by the IAU with ephemeral data. The select list is curated by Kim Gould of Love Your Design, and can be found below.


The calculations used to determine Human Design gate and line numbers are in the original black book, which was the first documentation of the revelation. At this time the original black book can be bought on Jovian archive.

We rely on ACS ATlas, the industry-standard database for time calculation, to ensure that our chart data is accurate. Taraka subscribes to the ACS Atlas, and purchases their yearly updates. More information can be found on Astrolabe's website.

We rely on the Swiss Ephemeris for high precision ephemeral data, and have fully licensed their product. More information can be found on Astro Dienst’s website. We use the compressed Swiss Ephemeris data.

Select Planets List

Major Planets, inc. Pluto

Minor Planets, Number
